Following is a list of websites with valuable resources which can be used in financial analysis and valuation:

Damodaran Online:

Prof. Aswath Damodaran teaches corporate finance and valuation at the Stern School of Business at New York University. His website is one of the most comprehensive resources for financial analysts, including:

  • Materials of corporate finance, firm valuation and investment philosophy classes, including online webcasts.
  • Books and practitioner papers on valuation related issues.
  • Multiple data sets which can be used in valuation and analysis, including cost of capital constituents, multiples and other financial ratios.
  • Tools which include spreadsheets to value and analyze companies.
  • Musings on Markets blog:

Seeking Alpha:

Seeking Alpha includes financial data, news and analysis articles written by thousands of contributors regarding various public companies, and is also one of the best resources for transcripts of earning calls and presentations (located in the "Earnings" section for each company).

OECD.Stat Database:

The OECD.Stat database is one of the most comprehensive economic indicators databases found online in English. It includes long term historic data sets for various economic and financial indicators for all the OECD and several additional countries, and also future projections of major economic indicators. The database is very user friendly and easily downloadable.

IMF Data Database:

The IMF Data database provides the main economic indicators for 192 countries. The database is updated 2 times a year and includes economical forecasts.


CSIMarket provides individual company data, industry data and economic indicators. In addition to data found in most financial data websites, company data includes data regarding suppliers, competitors and customers. Industry data includes profitability and valuation indicators of various sectors and industries, both current and historic, and the constituents list of each industry.

